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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

About wedding…

A really close friend of mine called me the other day and announced me she got engaged. I was really happy for her since I know this is a matching pair...

Then [as a web geek I am] I started browsing wedding blogs, and wedding dedicated sites. And believe me, there are tons of them! I didn’t have a clue!

What I hate about weddings is the never changing style. How the pictures of every wedding look the same [different people and places but same old concept], how people are dressed the same, how uncomfortable the bride and groom look, how fake the hair and makeup of the bride usually is and so on.

But to my [pleasant] surprise I found that this is not the case any more and couples seem to bring their own style to their wedding [if they have one that is :)]. Hope this trend comes to Greece as well… Meanwhile here is a video and some pictures from Max and Margaux's wedding, a couple I have never heard of before but never the less [I] appreciate their unique style. Max and Margaux seem to be all over the web these days so take a look [and why not? Get inspired:

Max, Margaux, & The Marvelows from Shark Pig on Vimeo.

photos via and maxwangerblog

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