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Monday, September 19, 2011

Cooking Mondays -- Spaghetti with vegetables


You’ll need:
Sweet Red Pepper
Olive Oil
Dairy Cream

[You can use as many vegetables as you like. Also consider using half a cup of dairy cream for half a pack of spaghetti. Olive oil: only as much needed to sauté the vegetables.]

Boil the spaghetti and strain them [1]. Cut the vegetables into very small cubes [2]. In a pan sauté the onion in olive oil [3], and then add the red pepper and the peas and continue for 5-10 minutes until they become soft [4]. After that, add some water, salt and pepper in the pan and boil [5] for about 20 minutes until all water is consumed by the vegetables. Then lower the heat and add the dairy cream for 3-5 minutes [6]. Pour the mixture over the pasta [7] and stir [8]. Serve grated parmesan [10].

*Please if you can help me improve my vocabulary, post a message or send me an email. It’s really hard writing a recipe. Thenx!

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